Thursday, November 4, 2010

My blog cherry is officially popped

I have been meaning to start a blog for quite a while now and today seemed like the perfect day to do so.  There has been so much going on in my life and I feel as though I don't have an outlet for my thoughts and feelings. goes nothing.

Earlier this year my maternal grandmother was told that her lung cancer had recurred.  She was prescribed a lengthy treatment process involving both chemo and readiation to help reduce the tumors.  At that point it was curable.  Everyday we faithfully trudged to and from the cancer center, hoping upon hope that each treatment was making her better.  When treatment ended in September she was prescribed an x-ray and a PET scan to see if it had worked.  While the X-ray showed us that there was definitely shrinkage in the tumors (and thus giving us hope) the PET scan told a different story.  The doctor entered the room that day with a sullen look and eyes that could only convey disbelief and sincere sympathy and as he delivered the news, everyone else's hopes sank.  She had stage 4 terminal bone cancer.  The initial cancer had metastasized to every corner of her body; she was given 6-12 months to live.  Five weeks have passed since that day and while all the care she receives now is palliative, we trudge to and from the hospital hoping to keep her comfortable.  She has since sustained a broken shoulder and possibly a broken hip but she wants to keep fighting.  We learned last night that one of her biggest reasons for continuing treatment is because she can't die before November 16 (the date her husband died 6 years ago).  She also wants to see one last christmas and wants all of her family together one last time.  So, on my days off and during the evenings, I spend time at her house helping one of my family members take care of her.  In fact, it's where I am now.  I can only cherish this time we have and therefore I do not complain about being here.

Other news involves the job front.  Four weeks ago I left the only job I had ever known for what I thought would be greener pastures.  Well, the grass isn't always greener.  The job I took was at a veterinary office, and while I love animals, it is not the job for me.  It is not an environment that I find enjoyable and now I am kicking myself for taking the position.  But, now I have to move forward and keep looking for something that is suited to my skills and somewhere where I am not bullied.

Well, I'm pretty sure that's enough for right now. Ya'll come back now, ya hear!!!